Feb 072018

In our too eager to travel’ frame of mind and the eye-sparkling attraction of ridiculously low fares and hotel offers, we jump blindly into travel deals that should have been given a second look. Here are a few reasons explaining why you should take a step back before you make a travel decision based on a too-good-to-be-true vacation package.1. The Attractive Discount!
All too often, we come across huge discounts on airline tickets and think we are getting a good deal. A very common trick here is that the regular’ price will be sufficiently hiked up before the discount is given. So we are being deceived under the guise of a discount, and the best attractive size of the discount lures us into falling prey to this. It is a good idea, when we see such discounts, to check the more reliable websites and double check the regular’ price of air tickets, may be even on the actual airline website.
2. It’s optional!
Another favourite of the holiday scammer is the optional extras’. But are they really extras when you are being charged for services that should be included in the regular fair? A notorious trick is charging extra to book on the airline website, and telling you that you will avoid the extra fee if you personally book over the counter. They know full well that most people will just book on the website to avoid the hassle. The next time whenever you see an optional extra’, extra’ or an option’ in travel deals do your investigating before you book.3. The Hotel Looks Great!
Any hotel or resort can look fantastic online, in a newspaper or T.V. That is because if it didn’t, well, it wouldn’t get any customers. There are enough stories that speak of hotels giving great offers in holiday deals, that aren’t quite as fantastic once you get there. Again, the key is to do your research. When booking hotels as a part of vacation packages, you have to speak to enough people and do enough work online to get a more calculated decision.
Noshir is an avid blogger and he regularly reviews various travel deals on the internet as he is likes explore various travel destinations with customised tour packages.

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