Jul 122020

Website advertising and marketing has become a blooming industry on the Internet. Ecommerce deals with obtaining and retaining customers online and making a profit at the time of delivery. From the time when e-commerce took the place of traditional shopping, websites and their designing aspects have gained enormous significance. A website which is well designed can bear fruit for an e-commerce portal than any other marketing schemes.

A person about to build a website must first concentrate on gathering the content for his site. The content plays havoc on the internet because the driving force for a person visiting a site is his hunger for information. The home page of a Web site, Intranet or portal is the most important page. . It briefs the site visitors about the kind of information they may receive his site. A website design which can do most for an ecommerce portal is the use of links.

Then the person must put emphasis on the layout. The layout must be clear and easily comprehendible. The home page acts as the entry point through which visitors can move on to their respective sections. The home page should not be overloaded with informations, rather it must offer a couple of links which the visitors can access easily and reach their destination pages. There are two types of pages, which apply to any Web applications such as Web sites, Intranets and portals. Those are navigation pages and destination pages. Navigation pages allow site visitors finding out the options to find the way.

Destination pages provide the information, which site visitors are looking for. The home page is the vital navigation page. So it needs to provide as much as possible links to the various Web sections. The Web strategy determines the links from the home page to the site sections. There are various types of links available such as individual links, category links, animated links and so on .A visitor may click any of the links to reach his required web page.

Another essential thing that a person building an ecommerce website design portal is the application of various verbs such as download, apply, compare, discover, etc. which aids the site visitors to find immediately the link to start their state of affairs. Moreover, the process of registration must be easy. In order to tempt more people to sign up, the person should have a member’s only section with valuable content, discussion boards, electronic journals, etc. A registered member of his site should obtain news and information from him regularly.

Then any visitor must be able to provide feedback easily by just filling up a feedback form. Nonetheless, an ideal ecommerce website design portal should always have some kind of advertising. A limited time discount, a free additional feature, two for one, etc. are examples of promotional advertisements.

Thus the various tips available help a person to successfully design a website by using ecommerce portal. Building a website is like building a house. It encompasses proper planning and architecture.

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