Jun 112023

Part of the Pacific Ocean’s allure is its constancy; its waves advance and retreat, it smoothes all rough edges and moods, and each night it swallows the sun once again. Sometimes in life it is necessary to sit back, turn off all modern “conveniences,” and just realize the simple beauty of this phenomenon, and the best way to do that is to get yourself to the coast, find a nice quiet vacation rental, and see what develops. You may end up keeping pretty busy as you commune with Mother Nature, or you may discover a few parts of yourself that have lately been unfairly ignored.

Remember the person you’re capable of being, the one with little tension, an easy smile, and no pesky frown lines creasing your forehead? That person will come back for a visit once you’ve set your bags down in your Lincoln City beach house and will stick around for as long as you want. This privileged stretch of coastal Oregon plus the amazing amenities your rental home is sure to provide will chase all your cares away, just wait.

If you’ve never stayed in a vacation rental, you’re in for a treat. Some people are intimidated by the prospect of securing an actual house, complete with driveway, modern decorations, kitchen appliances and even a backyard featuring a grill and a patio. There’s no need to feel overwhelmed, however, as this increasingly popular vacation choice has the power to make people pretty darn happy. Take the key, unlock the door, and prepare to feel right at home.

The choices in Lincoln City range from smaller cottages to big, luxurious estates and contain everything in between. Depending on your budget and the size of your group, you could end up in any number of attractive properties. Let’s say you’re having an informal family reunion with lots of people who are ready to enjoy the beach and reconnect with one another. This situation practically demands a beach house with five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a game area, a deck, a fabulous view of the ocean, and friendly blue shutters (that last one is just an idea). This place exists, and it is fabulous. It will meet your needs by getting everyone under the same roof yet allow for doors to be closed and privacy to be enjoyed when the time is right. Sound good? Keep reading.

During the days, everyone can head out to see the sights together, perhaps charter a whale watching boat, rent a slew of kayaks, take a group hike or sit down at one of the many restaurants for a delicious meal that will probably contain fresh seafood. Lincoln City has many organized activities like golf and nature tours, but it is perfect for informal wanderings as well. An afternoon of beachcombing could be just as entertaining as a more structured event, and doesn’t have to cost a dime.

This type of set-up is also conducive to independence, as well. The kids can go off for a bit or the adults can sit around and talk on the patio during an impromptu happy hour, and it’s safe to say that when dinnertime rolls around, everyone will naturally reconvene in the kitchen to see what’s cooking. This will all be well and good in the vacation rental; it’s reasonable to assume that being in close quarters can be fun without forcing it, cozy yet not claustrophobic. Skeptics take note; it’s happened before and it can happen again.

To see the Lincoln City Vacation Rental offerings for yourself, go online to check them out. Pictures, descriptions, maps and testimonials will all help you make a smart decision, and it will actually be a fun way to check out the area. Start planning now to discover the best deals, and start preparing invitations to what will surely be the best family reunion ever.

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